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Service Description: Aerial imagery of the greater Canterbury area taken between 1975 and 1979. These images have been manually georeferenced and have a yet to be determined spatial accuracy. This imagery is not suitable for taking distance measurements from. Provided under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand license
Map Name: Canterbury Imagery 1975 to 1979
All Layers and Tables
Description: Aerial imagery of the greater Canterbury area taken between 1975 and 1979. These images have been manually georeferenced and have a yet to be determined spatial accuracy. This imagery is not suitable for taking distance measurements from. Provided under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand license
Copyright Text: Land Information New Zealand, Environment Canterbury
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: true
Tile Info:
- Height: 256
- Width: 256
- DPI: 96
Levels of Detail: 24
Level ID: 0
[ Start Tile, End Tile ]
- Resolution: 156543.03392800014
- Scale: 5.91657527591555E8
Level ID: 1
[ Start Tile, End Tile ]
- Resolution: 78271.51696399994
- Scale: 2.95828763795777E8
Level ID: 2
[ Start Tile, End Tile ]
- Resolution: 39135.75848200009
- Scale: 1.47914381897889E8
Level ID: 3
[ Start Tile, End Tile ]
- Resolution: 19567.87924099992
- Scale: 7.3957190948944E7
Level ID: 4
[ Start Tile, End Tile ]
- Resolution: 9783.93962049996
- Scale: 3.6978595474472E7
Level ID: 5
[ Start Tile, End Tile ]
- Resolution: 4891.96981024998
- Scale: 1.8489297737236E7
- Format: MIXED
- Compression Quality: 75.0
- Origin: X: -4020900.0
Y: 1.99981E7
- Spatial Reference: 2193
Storage Info:
- Storage Format: esriMapCacheStorageModeCompactV2
- Packet Size: 128
Initial Extent:
XMin: 1402597.1674876618
YMin: 5024854.958220037
XMax: 1658408.1914970195
YMax: 5340675.786357906
Spatial Reference: 2193
Full Extent:
XMin: 1204558.0863365214
YMin: 4913178.343011533
XMax: 1879378.9276637668
YMax: 5347625.04523827
Spatial Reference: 2193
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
Title: Canterbury Imagery 1975 to 1979
Comments: Aerial imagery of the greater Canterbury area taken between 1975 and 1979. These images have been manually georeferenced and have a yet to be determined spatial accuracy. This imagery is not suitable for taking distance measurements from. Provided under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand license
Subject: Aerial imagery of the greater Canterbury area taken between 1975 and 1979.
Keywords: LINZ,ECAN,Environment Canterbury,Land Information New Zealand,Aerial,Imagery,1975,1976,1977,1978,1979,Historic
AntialiasingMode: None
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: false
Resampling: false
MaxRecordCount: 1000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Min Scale: 5.91657527591555E8
Max Scale: 70.5310735
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
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