This layer was originally derived from NIWA's River Environment Classification which was modified as per Environment Canterbury's requirements (mainly related stream and river flow paths in flatter areas such as on the Canterbury Plains) for the Proposed Canterbury Natural Resources Regional Plan (NRRP). Note that the representation of a stream or river centreline in the units of this layer may not exactly align with the ground path of an actual water body. Units on this layer that seem to unexpectantly end are assumed to go subsurface. Water quality classes (as listed in the field Unit_WQ) Water quality classes have been defined for all rivers and lakes in the Canterbury region, excluding the areas covered by the operative Opihi and Proposed Waimakariri River regional plans and the Ahuriri River and Rakaia River water conservation orders. Each water quality class contains standards for water quality that are to be achieved for a point source discharge into a river or lake, after mixing of the discharge with the receiving water, in a defined zone. Field Value Display Name AOI;INL - Inland NAT - Natural ALP - Alpine HIL - Hill LOW - Lowland URB - Urban VOL - Volcanic AHU;WAI;RAK;OPI - Rivers and streams within areas covered by the Ahuriri & Rakaia River Water Conservation Order's, and the Opihi River & Proposed Waimakariri River Regional Plans.River and lake types (as listed in the field Unit_V6) The rivers and lakes of the Canterbury region have been grouped into different types that have similar physical and hydrological characteristics. The key physical characteristics that have been used to distinguish the different types of rivers and lakes include: flow, source and flow regime, morphology of rivers (shape), and water levels, size and depth of lakes. These characteristics influence the water quality of these water bodies, their associated aquatic ecosystems, and riparian margins. The objectives of Chapter 4 of the NRRP establish water quality outcomes for each of the river and lake types in the region. Chapter 5, Policy WQN4 provides indicator stream values to be considered when setting flow and level regimes for different river types in the region. Field Value Display Name ALP - Alpine BAS - Inland rivers and basins HIL - Hill LAK - Lake fed LOW - Lowland VOL - Volcanic |